The American Red Cross

24 June 2010

How do you know if you're addicted to porn?

If you answer yes to more than 3 of these questions, then theres a strong possibility that you're addicted to porn.
  • Does your porn use feel out of your control?
  • Do you have trouble controlling when you will look at porn and limiting the time you spend? Have you made unsuccessful attempts to quit?
  • Do you feel anger or irritability if you are confronted about your porn use or asked to stop?
  • Do you feel like there is another person or force inside of you driving you to pornography?
  • Do you keep using porn despite negative consequences?
  • Do you “get lost” in porn use—lose track of time; spend more time than intended; neglect work, school, relationships and other responsibilities?
  • Does pornography consume your thinking? When you’re not viewing it, do you think about it and anticipate when you will indulge again?
  • Is your porn use in conflict with your values and beliefs? Do you feel guilt, shame, remorse, empty and/or depressed after viewing porn?
  • Do you keep your porn use a secret and fear that others might find out?
  • Have you ever promised yourself that you would never use pornography again?
The idea of "going public" with a porn addiction is one of the best ways to overcome the struggle, but it can also seem like one of the hardest. That's why there's Candeo. In the Candeo program you're supplied with a program coach - a real live person to communicate with you privately and anonymously.

Candeo is Devoted to Helping Pornography Addicts Start Down the Path of Healing