The American Red Cross

14 July 2010

Corrupted young minds

Children starting or becoming involved in prostitution at such an early age, leave themselves little hope of having a normal life. The easily corrupted young minds of Thailand children usually result in most becoming career prostitutes. Western cultures expect this from Thailand, but how much different is it in America?

Yesterday, July 13, 2010, Lawrence Taylor appeared in court pleading not guilty to a grand jury indictment. Taylor allegedly paid an underage runaway girl $300 for sex at a New York Ramapo hotel in May.

District Attorney Thomas Zugibe said, "One of the most effective ways to target prostitution is to go after the johns... This indictment underscores our serious commitment to prosecuting those defendants who create a market for the region's growing sex trade."

This case quickly became a clash of moral judgement for public veiwers. "Who is the most credible - Lawrence Taylor or the teen prostitute?" Now with Taylor's plea and a witness claiming the girl was never raped, the question of right and wrong is a question in itself.

PDN article this weekend also headlined child prostitution, giving explanation to the problem in Thailand. Some of the most common routes and scams included:

-Homeless or runaway children turning to prostitution as a means to survive.
- Peer pressure. Siblings or friends coerce them into the industry.
- Victims of scams or unscrupulous people who take advantage of the situation by forcing them into prostitution.
- Victims of rape, sexual abuse and assault, often scared to confess, will become prostitutes. Most notably children involved in sexual abuse at home turn to selling their bodies.

America shares the same list. I'd go ahead and say it happens in your country too. So theres little doubt in my mind the teen in the Taylor case is any different. The DA's point to target Taylor is made, but where did we go wrong to begin with?

PDNDistrict Attorney