The American Red Cross

21 June 2010

From Wall Street to Back Streets

This weekend a Wall Street Journal article decided to used 3,000 words in an attempt to confuse readers about human trafficking during the 2010 World Cup.

I had the pleasure of reading an artilce this morning titled, Suspect Estimates of Sex Trafficking at the World Cup. It was filled with research and quotes about human trafficking during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, but Carl Bialik also managed to misinform readers that the 40,000 persons trafficked, during the two most recent World Cup events, are bogus claims. He seems to think its a lot less. Well Numbers Guy, as you call yourself, here are some more numbers!

Could you not buy sex when I'm getting trafficked

There has been word spread about men who buy sex since for as long as anyone can remember. The comment I heard most recently, and thought myself is, "if men knew the women they were paying to have sex with were trafficked, tricked, enslaved, and/or in danger by a pimp or trafficker, they wouldn't buy sex from these prostitutes". Well we were all wrong. A portion of an article states:
"The UK-based Poppy Project and U.S.-based Prostitution and Research Education Center teamed up to interview 103 men in London who had bought commercial sex. Of those men, 55% believed that the majority of women were lured, tricked, or trafficked into the sex industry unwillingly ..."

... and they still bought sex
"Additionally disturbing was the belief of many men that once a transaction of prostitution began, the woman no longer had a right to refuse sex."
The image to the right, while showing statistics on prostitution, link pornography to grooming tactics used by pimps. A link between the way pornography is viewed, and the viewer's image of sexual relations is expressed when someone purchases sexual services, a type of behavior that high-end escorts and call girls are not excluded from. While being abused by their pimps to stay loyal, prostitutes are also victims of the same abuse the 'porn star' is subjected to in free internet porn. What will it take to end this cycle?

HOW 2 Fight Demand step 3

real MEN don't buy GIRLS!!
Raise Awareness

The third step in combating the DEMAND of sex trafficking requires only one name: Ashton Kutcher. Earlier this month at the release of his new film, Killers, Ashton decided to make a small poster highlighting the words, "REAL MEN DON'T BUY GIRLS!!". It surprised me to see someone from Hollywood leading the fight against sex trafficking, but leave it to Ashton to be the first person to stand up and stand out! Not only is it real awareness, but its simple, easy and all of us can do it.

3.This third step allows you to be a little creative. Work with a local graphic design program at a university or college to create posters aimed at deterring individuals from purchasing sex, like the above. And even if you won't be appearing on any red carpets anytime soon, volunteer to help raise funds to print and exhibit the posters in your community. Or use some of the resources at to download poster designs there.

Ashton's statement is bold and entertaining (in a good way). But its also precise and direct. A perfect example to follow in raising awareness for trafficked victims everywhere.