Everyday Actions
In the fight against human trafficking, the first question that you might ask is, "How does one "go after" the customer? ...", myself included.
Today is the second step in the HOW 2 Fight Demand series. This series includes ten steps; an arm full of actions that individuals or groups can do to fight the demand of sex trafficking. Visit the CAASE website to find the entire list and other related resources.
2.After you've got a good understanding of the role that the demand for commercial sex plays in prostitution, write "Letters to the Editor" and "Op-Eds" to newspapers that participate in victim blaming and hold them accountable for how they cover the issue. When you write, encourage them to highlight the role the demand pays in the harms experienced by individuals in the sex trade.
This step seems to be a bit easier than step one because its something that you can without getting others involved. There is no pressure or additional tools you need to go out and buy. And you can do it at the comfort of your own home. This step takes away all of the excuses, so be sure to make this something you get into early on in your fight against the demand of sex trafficking.
"This demand is predominantly from men who buy sex, thereby funding the trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and girls ... As stated by a man who purchases sex in Chicago:
"If there were no customers, there would be no prostitution." - John