The American Red Cross

22 May 2010

A Victory for the Internet and Humanity

EXCLUSIVE: One Of The Heroes Behind the MetaFilter Human-Trafficking Rescue Speaks Out

Late Wednesday night, Kathrine Gutierrez Hines, 24, came across a frightening story—unfolding in real time on an online message board—about two young Russian women who, by the looks of it, were about to unwittingly become hostesses at a seedy nightclub. Now, less than 48 hours later, they are sleeping in her Chelsea apartment in Manhattan, and she is trying to keep them safe while helping them figure out their next move. In an exclusive interview with NEWSWEEK, she tells her story, which, unfortunately, isn’t over yet.
"Awesome story about Americans that still have a soft spot in their heart for strangers. Great read for anyone interested in success stories involving the Internet and sex trafficking"
[To read the entire article click here]